Absolutely - to a certain extent. We can mix up your regular shipment with any combination of 1 bag of decaf, single origin, blends, or whatever you want. We can also pre-grind some if you need us to (many people get a 1 bag of decaf pre-ground because you only have 1 grinder).
For the first 9 shipments, the minimum shipment is 5 bags every 4 weeks. If you're not drinking that much (something we definitely don't understand), give a bag as a bonus to your employee of the month or give some to your customers. Share the love. After 9 shipments, we'll be glad to pare things back as necessary.
(The ugly stuff your boss wants to know)
If you go with just coffee delivery, it's simple. You sign up, we ship you coffee. No details, no contracts, no minimums. We ship you coffee when you need it. Cancel or change whenever you'd like.
If you'd like us to include an equipment setup for your office, there are a couple of details you need to know:
You will be billed $149 today and we will ship you the brewing setup (Bonavita BV1900TS Brewer and Baratza grinder) plus your initial order of 5 bags of coffee.
If you're within an hour of our Geneva, IL location we will likely come out and set it up for you - we love to meet our customers. If you're outside of that, we will ship the equipment and coffee after we open it up and make sure everything is working and configured properly so you just have to push a button. If we ship it you're going to have to assemble the grinder and scale setup. It's not complex. It takes a single philips head screwdriver. That's it.
If you're in Hawaii or Southern California and it's winter, we may hand deliver it to you as well as long as Eric can crash on your couch.
At the interval you choose (1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks), we will again ship you 5 bags of coffee to serve for your office and bill your credit card $69.99 for the shipment. That's 12% off of our regular price for 5 bags of coffee. Free shipping is included.
After 9 shipments, you can cancel the service by contacting us or continue to receive great coffee for your office at the same interval you originally specified or change it however you'd like. At that point, the equipment is yours.
If you choose to cancel the service before you have paid for all 9 shipments, you have 2 choices:
1) Return the equipment in pristine condition including the boxes and packaging it was originally shipped in. There will be a $100 restocking fee plus shipping costs for returning the equipment. If the equipment is missing or damaged, there will be a charge for that missing or damaged equipment.
2) Keep the equipment and pay a cancellation fee that will be prorated based on the number of shipments you have already paid for.
Please get in touch with us if you have more questions!